Posts tagged "Samsung"
The double-helix of imagination and technology

The double-helix of imagination and technology

Imagination is the most advanced technology that we have today. What is equally true is that technology today is also as imaginative as imagination can be… and so there is obviously no lockdown for an imaginative use of technology if one adds a bit of technology to imagination! There is a whole world beyond canoodles,...
You can’t stop the future

You can’t stop the future

‘The future is coming at me too fast,’ says my father as he looks at his smartphone in disbelief, ‘I don’t understand half the things most youngsters are able to do with their phones these days.’ He is 86 years old and technology leaves him in disarray. ‘Disheveled times,’ he mutters as I walk with...

Fitness is the New Attitude for the Indian Millennials

Fitness isn’t about brute strength but all about a new attitude that the Indian millennials are forever thinking about. #LeanIsTheNewMean isn’t just another hash-tag that dominates the social media space around us but is pursued with a lot of involvement and creative interpretations. Only the other day I was reading about Beer Yoga and, believe...
Read the future

Read the future

Read the future   Hoard the future is out and reading it is in. Perplexed? Well, we are a nation that has essentially been a cash economy and 86% of our transactions are in cash. There is cash in the box, cash under the mattresses, cash in lockers, cash in purses and wallets, and cash...
Corporates are magicians wearing two hats

Corporates are magicians wearing two hats

Corporates are magicians wearing two hats Sometimes even as little as four minutes are able to win more hearts and make you think of values, commitments, and responsibilities than would long-winding panegyrics of a politically important nature. The story of Sadanand Ugale from Kannad in Maharashtra brings in multiple hues of human emotions travelling in...
The gender of Xender

The gender of Xender

I remember the days when gender option was between male or female. Those days are long over. News articles in the West are talking about ‘agender’, ‘two spirit’, ‘neither’, ‘other’ and tens of other options that are as valid as the choice a technology consumer has in choosing a storage option from portable hard drives...
Thrillers are so much like Technology

Thrillers are so much like Technology

Imagine a massive box that is just delivered to your home. The entire family is gathered around the box and the expectations are experiencing a new high. The adrenalin rush is getting unmanageable and different pairs of eyes expect something entirely different from what the other pairs of eyes expect. This opening of the box...
Iris-recognition technology for Aadhar

Iris-recognition technology for Aadhar

Technology is slowly becoming all-pervasive in a helping sort of way. The way we are adopting technology is more than just exciting because acceptance of concepts is across the socio-economic arena. The social matrix of the country has primed and readied itself already to accept technological advancements without actions that oppose its emergence… though we...
The art of good business

The art of good business

The art of good business ‘I want to buy a new smartphone,’ said a friend, ‘but I’m not sure which one to go for.’ ‘Buy one that fits your needs,’ I replied. Hearing my answer this friend unfolded a piece of paper and read out some startling statistics. He said that his bank had begun...
A powerful storage device in your pocket means you’re future-ready

A powerful storage device in your pocket means you’re future-ready

Less than twenty years back when I bought my first desktop, a Compaq Pressario, a teenager from the neighbourhood walked in and said, ‘That’s a terrible waste of money, uncle. What will you do with such a huge hard drive. No one will ever need 3.2 GB.’ I wish this fellow is reading this post...
Innovations translated

Innovations translated

Innovations translated Review of Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge   Innovations are the conversations that the consumer has with brands… but unlike verbose conversations where a lot is lost in translation, good brands make sure that desirability and feasibility walk hand-in-hand for a long distance. Yes, distance is of value. Take a smartphone, for...
Conversations with virtual reality

Conversations with virtual reality

Conversations with what is real and what is unreal has a sibling now… the universe of virtual reality. Even Zuckerberg wrote in March 2014 that the day isn’t far when ‘we believe this kind of immersive, augmented reality will become a part of daily life for billions of people’. Geoff Mulgan declares that ‘as the...