Posts tagged "Samsung Galaxy Note"
Angry. Smart. Intelligent. Winner. Understand all four in this post.

Angry. Smart. Intelligent. Winner. Understand all four in this post.

No, I’m not angry with anyone, nor reading this post is going to make you angry. Yes, you’ll certainly be left a bit smarter if you don’t smart at the idea of using those specialised grey cells in your brain that are used to solve crosswords. Yes, this is a crossword indeed and it will...
Surprise. Surprise. Surprise. – a winner’s mantra!

Surprise. Surprise. Surprise. – a winner’s mantra!

Winning isn’t just a feeling. Winning is a benefit. Winning means more. Winning gets you more. Winning leads you on to win more. Winning is a synonym for MORE! Just look at any of the winners anywhere… in politics, in sports, in the arts, in theatre, in films, in writing, in your class, your college,...
‘Note this! Note now!’ said Calvin to Hobbes

‘Note this! Note now!’ said Calvin to Hobbes

Calvin is live and kicking within all of us. He isn’t just a seemingly prickly comic-book character fantasizing and creating stories of aliens or wilfully experimenting with smart and rather tricky ideas to keep himself entertained… he is also a loving soul who forever needs to keep talking and debating with Hobbes, his stuffed tiger....