Posts tagged "Seoul"
Entering the unexpected

Entering the unexpected

‘What on earth is a blind list?’ I asked myself some time back… and hopped from one explanation to another and soon enough realized that the moment I mention a destination (imaginary or otherwise) and make it a part of a document or make a subliminal decision to go somewhere or discuss with friends about...
Me in Melbourne… and Melbourne in me

Me in Melbourne… and Melbourne in me

“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” (John Lennon) I know I dream. But do cities too dream? I believe they do and they constantly dream of people. Cities thrive and flourish when there are people there within it and loving it. No, this isn’t a...
The hyperfocal distance in a friendship

The hyperfocal distance in a friendship

Trip: Seoul. December 2011. It is easy to imagine that a friendly relationship between a professional photographer and one who intends to be interested in this art would begin somewhat like this… ‘Nice camera there…’ ‘Well, it is an SLR with a 18-300 lens kit.’ ‘Oh! I have one that I just point and shoot...
The Samsung Crossword

The Samsung Crossword

The mobilers day at Seoul in Korea was literally like a mystery being revealed to us layer by layer, idea by idea, innovation by innovation… there was wonder in our eyes, awe in our minds, and our faces were a mix of gasps and smiles. All this actually began right from the moment we landed...