Posts tagged "shashi tharoor"
Forever between a yes and a no

Forever between a yes and a no

Every time there is a request to review a book and I say yes, all the other books lying unread before me can do nothing but wait expectantly. And I have been doing this for ages. The number of unread books has grown. I am wondering now if every yes to read one book actually...
Pride, Prejudice, and Punditry – a review

Pride, Prejudice, and Punditry – a review

Seventy-five previously published articles, stories, poems, columns, and excerpts from his books (both fiction and non-fiction) with most having ‘been expanded or updated, or both’ are powerful enough to be more than just snippets of history of things that matter to Indians. Maybe even everyone else around the world. I call these pieces more than...
Cattle Class

Cattle Class

  Quite obviously I don’t fly Business Class or First Class… but that is precisely why I enjoy flying. And it isn’t just the marvellous and mesmerising take-offs that stay in a traveller’s memory but an entire plane-load of cattle-class passengers join hands to make you smile and say to yourself: ‘I love to fly...