Posts tagged "smartphones in india"
Smarter AI is the norm now

Smarter AI is the norm now

Someone asked me a few days back, ‘What is the difference between intelligence and artificial intelligence?’ This question was asked by a friend who wanted to buy a new smartphone and was pretty sore at the fact that with the introduction of innovations, the prices had gone beyond his affordability limit. ‘I can’t visualize myself...
A good smartphone is like a poem crafted well

A good smartphone is like a poem crafted well

A good poem is like a smartphone that uses innovations that convert the intangibles of technology into user-friendly features… and so even good smartphones, like good poems, must often use clear actionable motives, memorable design aspects, and concrete software inclusions to make a point. Like great poetry, good smartphones are bothered about meter, rhyme, form,...
Budget means making meaningful technology work at lower costs

Budget means making meaningful technology work at lower costs

Budget phones have been flooding the Indian market for long now and every company from the best known to the newbies fight for a larger share in this segment. Does this mean that smartphones in this segment can afford to compromise with the features that have the power to attract buyers? No. This simply means...
To shop or not to shop

To shop or not to shop

Smartphone users are a fickle breed. They get fascinated with clicking pictures and then become a part of a selfie wave. There are some who are constantly on the look-out for the best audio experience. Then again there are those who are forever bothered by the number of photos, videos, songs, and movies that they...
What happens when you drop your smartphone?

What happens when you drop your smartphone?

Dropping a smartphone can mean more than having to go out and buy a new device. Besides increasing the worry lines on the brows of a user, it is incidents like this that made the innovators of technology sit up and get to work. So now we have smartphones that claim to be sturdier, slimmer,...