Posts tagged "spiritual"
The future teller in London

The future teller in London

Trip: London. June to July 2010.   Summer of 2010. Our forty-second day in London. Pushkin’s graduation ceremony at the AA School of Architecture and Planning was over, most of our ‘walks’ to explore the real London were done, all stores on Oxford Street and the ones adjoining this place were visited, food in lots...

Is Blogging A Spiritual Activity?

Blogging, like any other creative activity has both a spiritual as well as a demonic angle to it… so long as a blogger sources outpourings from within, it remains blissful. This is because he is ‘creating’ and any act of creation has the power to take one much above the plane of mortal existence. The...

I know its you, Narad!

Conversations reveal what we really are… and not just the way we want others to think about us. This is as true of face-to-face conversation as it is for those that take place in the virtual world. In fact, I am convinced that online conversations, especially those where comments and observations are left for others...

Connecting with the spiritual!… three poems

Poem-1 A day after and a day before… Let them sleep, let them snore It is here and now and you And life and world that is new Where the tech and the spirit Meet and mate and simply fit! ____________ Poem-2 Do everything and still let go — That is the way to get...

Care for human well-being is paradise-engineering!

“I want to live in a world without money.” Will the above sentence lead to a spiritual evolution? It may, for an individual, but where many are involved, a bit of paradise-engineering may be needed! Truth is that nirvana depends on individual happiness and well-being. Gone are the days when GDP and GNP ruled the...

The power to change the world

Mother Teresa remarked: ‘Life is a promise; fulfill it.’ The way a better world emerges is one life at a time. Launch your intents with your own life, and let the goodness and kindness quickly spread outward from you. Imagine how the world would be if everyone became focused on the positive possibilities. By directing...