Posts tagged "teacher"
Calling teachers “untalented leftovers” doesn’t tell the complete story

Calling teachers “untalented leftovers” doesn’t tell the complete story

With the NEP 2019 zipping and zooming from one stage to another and its interpretations getting into every kind of conversation taking place anywhere, the focus is bound to be on teachers… and students, of course. Everyone wants teachers to get better. There is a lot of talk about doing away with sub-standard teacher training...
For my teacher

For my teacher

If I can read the books around me If I can write of all that I see If I now know how much is how much It’s all because some teacher taught me! So today and this day each year I sit and think with a mind that’s clear And remember my teachers from yore...
The great teacher analysed

The great teacher analysed

Technology may not be what you teach your student, but technology is certainly what you use when you teach. The bits and the bytes, the internet, the social media, and all things that travel at speeds that the mind cannot even think of, are as real as the bunch of students that you see in...

Good Mentors Mean Good Results

“My chief want in life is someone who shall make me do what I can.” said Emerson, Ralph Waldo, a famous American essayist and one of America’s most influential thinkers and writers. Right from infancy and at any stage in life one would be completely lost without guidance. Guidance from the right people and at...