Posts tagged "teachers"
Is the NEP about old mind-sets in new bodies?

Is the NEP about old mind-sets in new bodies?

Some thinkers believe that reports and recommendations invariably remain what they are if unaccompanied by the micro-details of strategic implementation maneuvers. A bit higher in the hierarchy of proposed actions and actionable steps is the wave theory of political will of the powers, the calculus of economic certainties and uncertainties, the gravitational laws pervading in...
Calling teachers “untalented leftovers” doesn’t tell the complete story

Calling teachers “untalented leftovers” doesn’t tell the complete story

With the NEP 2019 zipping and zooming from one stage to another and its interpretations getting into every kind of conversation taking place anywhere, the focus is bound to be on teachers… and students, of course. Everyone wants teachers to get better. There is a lot of talk about doing away with sub-standard teacher training...
The learners are missing

The learners are missing

The basic problem today is that everyone searches for a teacher. There are people who want someone to teach them how to write, how to invest, how to paint or draw or sketch, how to read faster, how to overcome fear or even how to think logically. These people assume that some teacher will magically...