Posts tagged "tech"
Hooked to technology

Hooked to technology

We’re all hooked to technology and even the biology of moments must have bits and bytes for survival of its ecology. We’re all hooked to technology! Technology isn’t just a habit. It’s a mind-set that, like a rabbit, hops along with you so much that with you it will cohabit! We’re all hooked to technology!...
My nerdy world

My nerdy world

The first time I realised that I loved technology was when our nursery teacher drew a square shape on the board and said, ‘Draw this.’ The class struggled with their four straight lines and were intent on creating the funniest possible squares in their drawing books. I thought for a while, then pulled out my...
What do you want, dear customer?

What do you want, dear customer?

The days of the dull are now done And everywhere is colour seen Style statement is how we have fun The rest is now simply ‘has-been’. Websites and blogs have added fun With lots of pictures with the text So even gadgets who are ‘one’ Now leave the older ones perplexed! What I now look...
Can you write poetry on Ultrabooks? I can!

Can you write poetry on Ultrabooks? I can!

Yes, I can actually write poems on even Ultrabooks! I realised this this week when I saw a few blog posts where the writers had posted their luscious pictures with ultrabooks in a rather unique way. I said to myself: ‘Now this is indeed a fashion statement!’ Then I saw not one, but a few...