Posts tagged "technology"
Audi for the Aam Aadmi

Audi for the Aam Aadmi

Sensual, elegant, techno-futuristic, slick, placid, and playful are all about stories and poems that take birth in the heart of the common man. This man on the street who was once thought to be undeserving of any of the wonderful joys and toys that the world created, is now realising the possibility of walking hand-in-hand...
Thrillers are so much like Technology

Thrillers are so much like Technology

Imagine a massive box that is just delivered to your home. The entire family is gathered around the box and the expectations are experiencing a new high. The adrenalin rush is getting unmanageable and different pairs of eyes expect something entirely different from what the other pairs of eyes expect. This opening of the box...
The Fingerprint Sensor

The Fingerprint Sensor

A Fingerprint Sensor makes a tap of the tip Of a finger be seen as technologically hip! * A Fingerprint Sensor is technology redefined – Authentication much more than just refined!
Innovations translated

Innovations translated

Innovations translated Review of Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge   Innovations are the conversations that the consumer has with brands… but unlike verbose conversations where a lot is lost in translation, good brands make sure that desirability and feasibility walk hand-in-hand for a long distance. Yes, distance is of value. Take a smartphone, for...
You aren’t going to fade away – 2

You aren’t going to fade away – 2

‘Books are not going to be here anymore,’ said a tech-savvy gentleman a few months back. ‘Then what happens to reading?’ I asked. He had then pointed towards his laptop and then his tablet and mentioned that ebooks were the future. ‘Then there is always the kindle,’ he said with a victorious twinkle in his...
The selfie world out there…

The selfie world out there…

The selfie world out there…   Yes, you’ve read the title correctly… it is indeed a selfie world out there, though a selfish world appears equally appropriate. From the PM to the peon we are all aware of what a selfie is and how best to click one. We know all about the correct angles...
I am who I am, and who I wanna be

I am who I am, and who I wanna be

This mantra is all over the social media today. The young as well as the young at heart swear by it… and believe me, it isn’t just the virtual space that is impregnated and incepted with these words, one sees them reflected in real life as well. Cool and smart is all over. Not just...
The ruling party and the opposition on Galaxy S6

The ruling party and the opposition on Galaxy S6

Our parliament is always a hub of super activity and its corridors are places where power dialogues flow unimpeded and with a nonchalance that you find only in a Nargis Fakhri gliding on the aisle in a Suneet Verma creation! Yes, there is something stunningly accentuated when two politicians talk… especially if they happen to...
The sorcery of more

The sorcery of more

There surely is some mumbo-jumbo working in favour of the word ‘more’. The buyer of goods needs more discount, the reader of a newspaper needs more pages, the viewer of television needs more masala, the politician needs more scope to be safe… and so I’m not surprised to hear people in a store selling smartphones,...
The internet of things

The internet of things

We are at the threshold of a world where ‘the emergence of countless objects, animals and even people with uniquely identifiable, embedded devices wirelessly connected to the internet’ is turning the corner. No, this isn’t as fearsome as some sci-fi writers have imagined it all to be. This real fiction shows no signs of accelerating...
A bank in my backpack

A bank in my backpack

Well, we’ve all heard of banks being inside a smartphone… and the smartphone in the pocket. But listen, what if the battery of this smartphone goes kaput? You’ll be left sweating right in the middle of a transaction and even the water vendor on the roadside is going to smile at your plight. Let me...
That’s right. I write

That’s right. I write

Years back I was interviewing the Chief Editor of CBT and one of the questions that I asked was, ‘How much do you love writing?’ ‘Writing is a pain,’ he answered, without waiting and then went on, ‘it tortures me and yet I write. That’s right. I write.’ I left the interpretation of ‘writing is...