Posts tagged "terrorism"
Article 370 – is it political pluck or incompetent tomfoolery?

Article 370 – is it political pluck or incompetent tomfoolery?

There is an old joke where a tourist’s car got stuck in a muddy patch and raising acceleration didn’t help. A local on a bullock cart was passing by and helped him in exchange for a certain favour. This seemingly helpful local told the politician that he assisted many such people who regularly got stuck...
Terrorism is a monologue in a subverted mind

Terrorism is a monologue in a subverted mind

Defining terrorism isn’t easy. Kamalhasan calls Nathuram Gadse the first Hindu terrorist but Madhu Purnima Kishwar retorts by tweeting that some people ‘can’t tell the difference between a terrorist and an assassin. The latter is not a complimentary term. Kennedy’s killing was an assassination and never called a terrorist act. So also Gandhi’s murder by...
Don’t allow terror to spread panic

Don’t allow terror to spread panic

Noam Chomsky wrote: ‘Everyone’s worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there’s really an easy way: Stop participating in it.’ This may shock or stun you because you obviously thought you were making all the right motions by lighting candles, marching through your city, pasting #SayNoToWar all over the social media, and probably asking everyone else to...
The Terrorist

The Terrorist

Colors are mine, hues are mine All shapes of the world are mine And if the laws follow my wish All is well and fine, just fine! People must know I’m always right Or I’ll simply show my might Sight or insight don’t really matter So long as you fear my bite! . . ....
Knock! Knock! ‘Osama here. Open the door…’

Knock! Knock! ‘Osama here. Open the door…’

Knock! Knock! ‘Osama here. Open the door…’ ‘What?’ I thought, ‘Osama Bin Laden?’ I was at that moment reading this tweet by @missletsbuild Julia: “Osama bin dead, Obama bin lying! #osamadead.” I must’ve spoken aloud because the voice from the other side of the door had a ring of urgency to it: ‘Come on. I...