Posts tagged "the education post"
The distance dream

The distance dream

I woke up late that day and as I slowly walked into the study, I found my wife totally immersed in the day’s newspaper. ‘Anything interesting?’ I asked. ‘Not if you aren’t interested in scams and murders and rapes,’ she answered and then added, ‘but there is one small piece of news which is making...
Biting bits and bytes

Biting bits and bytes

The digital age is here and will stay. It is quite possible that very soon we will start having the effigies and idols of our Gods and Goddesses too with both the traditional instruments of learning and their new-age version. Just image Lord Ganesha with one of her hands holding the palm-leaf scriptures hard-bound with...
The fine art of photocopying

The fine art of photocopying

I really did not know that there was artistry involved in photocopying until I met ManMohan Singh. No, not our honourable Prime Minister, this guy is a delivery boy working with a photocopier somewhere in the North Campus of Delhi University. I saw him struggling near the lift in our block of flats, with a...
A party called ELECTIONS

A party called ELECTIONS

No, I’m not talking of the national or state assembly elections. I am not talking about the forthcoming 2014 elections too. I am talking about the university elections in India… and why they tend to be lacking a direction. The only focus that is ever visible in a student election is a convergence to creating...
What’s the matter with you, teacher ji?

What’s the matter with you, teacher ji?

The first thing that I noticed this Teacher’s Day on 05th September was updates literally tumbling out of my Facebook page… no they were not meant for me. They were all by teachers themselves and said the same thing. A great number of them said: “If you can read this, thank a teacher!” The entire...
Lifting the veil off MBA

Lifting the veil off MBA

A single tweet made me make up my mind about this article. The tweet from Rahiel ?@RahielT said: ‘I have so much more to learn about growing and sustaining a business but experience is often the best teacher. Life has been my Harvard MBA.’ I then searched a bit more and came up with a...
A fantasy called a technical course

A fantasy called a technical course

Euphemistically or otherwise, the way we humans describe technology is ‘down-to-earth’, ‘objective’, ‘practical’, and ‘useful’. The paradox is that good and sound technology always emerges out of the fantasy thinking of a dreamer… but it is rightly said that even these dreams need to be laced with facts and figures. So what is technology really?...
Down with score heirarchy

Down with score heirarchy

My mind has always associated ‘results’ with a day when my name was never called out first… and came after the top 3 had stolen all the applause from the class. I always did well, but the charm of having done well was lost when all I had to do was to walk up to...
The choice is between being a strategist or a schemer

The choice is between being a strategist or a schemer

The most important battle for a student is when he stands face-to-face with a situation and does not really know if his actions will make him a strategist or a mere schemer. Winning is a very real objective to his mind and the route that he adopts is what will have the firmness of a...