Posts tagged "tigers"
Social media influencers and conservation

Social media influencers and conservation

Conservation and fundoo tourists do not really go together. This is because the forests and the wildlife there, including the tiger, can do without their habitat getting overwhelmed by ecstatic shouts, irreverent whistles, and camera flashes that are anyway not doing much except creating layers of disgust in the heart of nature. Forests are places...
Lets Talk Tigers

Lets Talk Tigers

‘We are seeds as well as parasites to the earth. We can either give or take, depending on our perception of growth,’ wrote Zephyr McIntyre and whenever we talk of the environment, the eco-system, wildlife, conservation, or even tigers, what matters more than anything else is perception. I have always believed that starting from the...
Ranthambhore ka T24

Ranthambhore ka T24

What I really love about wildlife parks are the stories and legends that they are saturated with. The simply sensual and lilting names they have for animals. The goose-bumps a visitor experiences when sighting even a mongoose or a peacock. Every moment inside a wildlife park is like a scintilla that is ready to explode...
Adventures on a foggy morning

Adventures on a foggy morning

A foggy morning is so full of possibilities… there is intrigue literally hanging from every square inch around you. The entire world seems so far away despite being where it always has been. Even familiar objects loom large suddenly and the suddenness makes your imagination run amuck… and you see witches in trees and dragons...