Posts tagged "tourism in india"
Tourism is a deadly sin

Tourism is a deadly sin

It was four in the morning and we were slowly making our way through the dark lobby of our hotel to go outside. There were two dark figures, probably the night-shift receptionist and another person presumably to attend calls to housekeeping, snoring without a care on the sofa there. As we stepped out and breathed...
Let us get creative with tourism

Let us get creative with tourism

Travel classification is evolving. It has to because almost every place talked about on the social media is over-flowing with people looking for something. In fact, every place not talked about on the social media is also full of curious people touching, feeling, and experiencing notions that they have as yet only read about. People…...
Great tourism statistics has great ideas working for them

Great tourism statistics has great ideas working for them

Great tourism statistics has great ideas working for them Look at any of the cities or countries where tourists queue to go to and the first realization is that the government, big corporates, and the people have come together and woven mysteries that bring in people with a lot of curiosity within them. I believe...