Posts tagged "wechat"
Life is so b/w without you

Life is so b/w without you

Life is so like an old b/w movie without my friends. Well, you’d generally ask: ‘What’s wrong with old movies?’ And I’d have no alternative but to answer: ‘Life is so like any movie on a small junked b/w television without my friends! So if this is fine, will you now let me get on...
Do we really need to chat so much?

Do we really need to chat so much?

I had this email talking of WeChat open on the screen when Specky, my wife ambled in the study and asked, ‘Whatsapp is misbehaving today. Is there any other app that I can have as a back-up?’ ‘Try WeChat,’ I said without delay and then read out the details from the email to her. She...