Press Release

World Environment Day

PT education celebrates the World Environment Day
New Delhi, 05th June, 07. PT Education, the largest all – India value added professional training institute today observed World Environment Day at all its 60 centers across the country. On this occasion various activities were organized, the most notable being distribution of free tree saplings among the citizens.
“June 5th is celebrated as World Environment Day all over the globe. World Environment Day is meant to create worldwide awareness, sensitize the people on environment and enhance political attention and action” addressed Mr Sandeep Manudhane, CMD of PT Education.
PT Education, as part of its training to student of management and engineering, have a packed activity calendar where important national and international events are celebrated to widen the knowledge base of the trainees. The World Environment Day celebrations were part of that schedule. PT Education ensures awareness on the environmental concerns through its centers that are spread throughout India. The main vehicles are its tens of thousands of students, its faculty and staff who will be distributing saplings and tips on how to improve the environment to the public.
The instituted also organized a discussion on the topic “To emphasize the importance of protecting the earth’s natural resources”.
PT Education campaigned for better environmental awareness through an Eco- pamphlet prepared in-house in which important points for preserve the eco-system were noted. Eco-banners were also the part of the event which conveying the massage to save environment and its resources for future.

Concluding the event <name to be inserted>, thanked all the guests and announced that “Undoubtedly, one of the global human concerns is the issue of drinking water. Ground water levels are rapidly depleting and water tables are running dry. The importance of Environmental resources such as river, forest and other need our urgent attention.”

For further information, contact:

Arvind Passey
Manager – Corporate Communications, PT Education


[Arvind Passey]
Written as a part of the CSR campaign on WED conceptualised for PT Education.