Yes, writing a post can be that easy. But did I say anything about the preparation time for this great recipe of a post? Listen, even when you cook a dish, the preparation time can be much more than the actual cooking time. It is this time spent in strategizing and collecting vital text snippets and photographs that can get excruciatingly long and frustrating at times… the actual compilation and presentation of the final dish can be a much easier task in comparison. The same is with writing a post… particularly if it is a post on the launch of a new gadget!

Well, I had two alternatives… the first was to actually go to the launch of Samsung galaxy Note 10.1 for which I was invited… and the second was to skip it. I did the second as I was busy with a certain assignment and would never have made it on time for the launch… yes, I could have made it for the lunch, but that is never on my priority list.

It was then that I realised that the launch would be streamed live… and even sitting at home I could have almost the same information as those who were there at the venue. Go Live Sydney is a streaming service provider that does virtual and hybrid events. Of course, I would not be able to physically handle the product and pretend that I was actually getting under its skin and dissecting it for a post as most of the people there would do… well, it is always great fun to see people touch, feel, caress and say ‘O la la’ or sigh audibly and hope someone who matters was looking at him or her… in one of such launches I had gone and clicked people who were busy clicking the gadget and it made a really wonderful post.

So I did the next best thing. I sat down and switched on the live streaming of the launch. Snipping tool was my partner and I kept snipping the right pictures during the launch… and kept on tweeting them with little nuggets that I heard as the speakers bombarded the audience with tech wisdom. This is what I call the preparation time for the actual cooking of the dish. I had the pictures and I had the tweet texts… plus a few notes that I was hurriedly jotting down on a piece of paper.

The next step was to search for some garnish material… and I thought I could easily fit in some relevant quotes to go with the pictures and the tweet texts… that would make the post look more like an over-fed intellectual spouting wisdom that is highly technical in nature! So some more time was spent in finalising the quotes… well, actually just a couple of quick clicks and a cursory scroll down the page gave me a fair idea of what I was going to select.

The final thing was naming the post and giving it the introduction it deserved. I must admit here that this introductory text has taken more than a good part of an hour and is more than 500 words now… but I think it is time to lay the plates on the table, so to say… enjoy the dish – err! Enjoy the launch of a wonder gadget from Samsung!!

The new way begins here for sure…

“The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.” – Winston Churchill
Bull’s eye!! The new way is the way to evolve to realms not known before…

Galaxy Note 800_launch of a new way!

Galaxy Note 800_launch of a new way!

“Technology has the shelf life of a banana.” – Scott McNealy
Well, this one is quite true because technology innovations are moving faster than anything else mankind has ever known.

Galaxy Note 800_launch_video streaming poised to begin

Galaxy Note 800_launch_video streaming poised to begin

“Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.”  – Pablo Picasso
…and answers are what lead to questions that demand more answers. It is this cycle that leads to what we call progress of civilization!

Galaxy Note 800_Ranjit Yadav at the launch

Galaxy Note 800_Ranjit Yadav at the launch

“Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all.” – John F. Kennedy
Performance and creativity are elements that technology has simply borrowed from man… no wonder it is said that technology is inspired by man.

Galaxy Note 800_launch of a new performance level!

Galaxy Note 800_launch of a new performance level!

“Do you realize if it weren’t for Edison we’d be watching TV by candlelight?”   ~ Al Boliska
It is technology that has ensured that humanity understands humanity better… and this is what really matters.

Galaxy Note 800_launch_features of the phone

Galaxy Note 800_launch_features of the phone

“Some people worry that artificial intelligence will make us feel inferior, but then, anybody in his right mind should have an inferiority complex every time he looks at a flower.”  ~ Alan C. Kay
Rina Dhaka was quite upbeat about the creative ways in which the Note 800 helped her interpret her line of work… and she was rather awed by its prowess!

Galaxy Note 800_Rina Dhaka at the launch

Galaxy Note 800_Rina Dhaka at the launch

“Man is a slow, sloppy and brilliant thinker; the machine is fast, accurate and stupid.”  ~ William M. Kelly
Rina Dhaka did point out that the Note 800 was aided by her brilliance in conceptualization and together they created some dazzling designs!

Galaxy Note 800_Rina Dhaka talks of her experiences

Galaxy Note 800_Rina Dhaka talks of her experiences

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” – Albert Einstein

Galaxy Note 800_Rina Dhaka design on the NOTE 800

Galaxy Note 800_Rina Dhaka design on the NOTE 800

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”  ~ Arthur C. Clarke
Tarun talked at length about the magic of photo re-touching and speed with which technology hastened the production of final images with him away from the actual site of work! The Note 800 is a valuable aid, he emphasized.

Galaxy Note 800_Tarun, a fashion photographer at the launch

Galaxy Note 800_Tarun, a fashion photographer at the launch

“The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man and a dog.  The man will be there to feed the dog.  The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment.”  ~ Warren G. Bennis
We’re not quite there yet, but technology is certainly all set to take over a lot of labour-intensive tasks from man. The creative thought is all ours, of course… so thinks a creative mom here!

Galaxy Note 800_Nayanika Chatterji, a choreographer, mom, and a great creative soul

Galaxy Note 800_Nayanika Chatterji, a choreographer, mom, and a great creative soul

“The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people.” – Karl Marx.
But is this really true? Technology has, in fact given us the ability to educate ourselves in a better way.

Galaxy Note 800_'my education' set to create ripples!

Galaxy Note 800_’my education’ set to create ripples!

“The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.” – B. F. Skinner Contingencies of Reinforcement, 1969
Therefore, it is the prime objective of technology to reach a point where it can compel man to think the right things at the right moment and for the right purpose.

Galaxy Note 800_'my education' discussed with Mrinalini

Galaxy Note 800_’my education’ discussed with Mrinalini

“For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.”  ~Richard P. Feynman
It is the real that is being explained by Samsung functionaries… and the fact that Samsung cares.

Galaxy Note 800_question-answer session with the media

Galaxy Note 800_question-answer session with the media

“We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.”  ~ Carl Sagan
And the media agreed when told that technology progression in the Note 800 was ahead of most other products existing right now in the market.

Galaxy Note 800_question-answer session continues

Galaxy Note 800_question-answer session continues

“One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men.  No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.”  ~Elbert Hubbard, The Roycroft Dictionary and Book of Epigrams, 1923
The media asked some vital questions about the usefulness of all the innovations that were coming at them at a fast pace now.

Galaxy Note 800_question-answer session and a section of the audience

Galaxy Note 800_question-answer session and a section of the audience

“Technology is like a fish. The longer it stays on the shelf, the less desirable it becomes.” – Andrew Heller
The best and the most viable solution to this is the launch of improved technology frequently… and this is exactly what Samsung does!

Galaxy Note 800_the device

Galaxy Note 800_the device

“Where there is the necessary technical skill to move mountains, there is no need for the faith that moves mountains.”  ~ Eric Hoffer
Yes, Samsung has faith that this product will go out there and help people with thier tasks!

Galaxy Note 800_the device with the Samsung big-wigs

Galaxy Note 800_the device with the Samsung big-wigs

“Technology presumes there’s just one right way to do things and there never is.”  ~ Robert M. Pirsig
It is the human brain that guides technology to look at all the wonderful alternatives possible… and the Note 800 helps you discover quite a few of those possibilities!

Galaxy Note 800_the device_trial_ for the invitees

Galaxy Note 800_the device_trial_ for the invitees

“I like my new telephone, my computer works just fine, my calculator is perfect, but Lord, I miss my mind!”  ~ Author Unknown
Well, technology does a lot of your thinking… and the S-pen will surely make writing and art much easier for your hands too!

Galaxy Note 800_the device_s pen

Galaxy Note 800_the device_s pen

“The system of nature, of which man is a part, tends to be self-balancing, self-adjusting, self-cleansing.  Not so with technology. ” ~E.F. Schumacher, Small is Beautiful, 1973
Yes, technology needs new research to allow it to understand it’s own flaws and inconsistencies.

Galaxy Note 800_the device_clamour for more info

Galaxy Note 800_the device_clamour for more info

Don’t get smart alecksy
With the galaxy
Leave the atom alone.
~E.Y. Harburg, “Leave the Atom Alone,” 1957

Whatever may have been the real inspiration for the above lines of poetry, what matters is that it is the GALAXY that reigns superior and is going to continue inspiring more and more research.

Arvind Passey
24 August 2012