‘Drama, melodrama, and a heady mix of sentences that are either bent upon sending a mom to heaven or making her grey-haired and terminally ill isn’t what she is all about,’ I muttered as I read the mom-posts on the internet, adding, ‘A mom isn’t a synonym for a tear-jerker either.’
Specky nodded her head and thought for a few moments before saying, ‘I think a mom is always old enough and wise enough for her child just as she always remains a magical charmer for her husband.’ I smiled on her use of the phrases ‘wise enough’ and ‘magical charmer’ and told her that the animal world has examples of chimpanzees, lions, meerkats, and rats where moms kill infants for reasons like survival, food, and dominance… and do it without blinking an eyelid!
‘Well, you’re right about animals and come to think of it, this is true with humans as well,’ said a stunned Specky, and then went on, ‘a mom like Nargis in Mother India can even shoot her own son if that is what is correct.’ She then said with finality in her voice, ‘A mom is all about being right.’
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
Blogadda instructions for the post: ‘This time we’re having at a mother’s day special! Your post must contain the word MOM and you have just 5 sentences to complete your story.’
Arvind Passey
10 May 2014
Pawan Hegde says:
May 10, 2014
I think this was terrific. You’ve used the five sentences to such great effect! I loved the narrative, and your opinion. Great work. 🙂
Arvind Passey says:
May 11, 2014
Thank you. I was rather apprehensive because the blogging world is so full of people who’d rather prefer to remain enmeshed in conventional thought patterns and would pounce upon anyone trying to bounce a concept that is alien to their mind-set.
Pawan Hegde says:
May 11, 2014
I wouldn’t know about that. I’m kinda new to blogging. 🙂
(And no one really reads my posts, so I don’t quite care what they think 😉 )
As far as thinking out of the box is concerned, you will find a supporter in me.
Check out my submissions for this WoW at
Arvind Passey says:
May 11, 2014
Thanks again… and yes, I remember having read your story. Couldn’t comment as I read it on my mobile.
Kalpana Solsi says:
May 10, 2014
Mom is all about being right.Perfect.
Arvind Passey says:
May 11, 2014
I guess your comment means you liked the post… thank you. 🙂
preethiprasan says:
May 11, 2014
A very different take on the prompt..loved it!! 🙂 different is good…in fact great. And you have shared so many thoughts in just 5 lines with so much meaning 🙂 all the best for the wow
Arvind Passey says:
May 11, 2014
Thank you, Preethi… always feels nice to read comments from you. 🙂
Proactive Indian says:
May 11, 2014
Truly, ‘A mom is all about being right.’
Arvind Passey says:
May 11, 2014
You’re right! 🙂
Thanks for coming over… after a really prolonged gap… 🙂
vishalbheeroo says:
May 12, 2014
It’s a brilliant take where you dare to take the less traveled road with so much competence, Sir.
Arvind Passey says:
May 12, 2014
Ah! But then what is creativity all about if it doesn’t dare? I do hope the Blogadda ‘judges’ like it. 🙂