Poems 2012
This happens when the muse strikes on Friday, the thirteenth

This happens when the muse strikes on Friday, the thirteenth

I don’t need your respect. You don’t need my participation. I don’t get affected by your buffoonery. You don’t get affected by my straight-forwardness. I don’t mind your mindlessness. You shouldn’t mind my mindfulness. I love being the cactus asking all to be careful. You call others a cactus, then behave like a wasp. I know...
Love defined

Love defined

(A sonnet in syllables)   Red lips, kohled eyes, bounce in her steps A glance that zipped and zoomed with zest For everyone she was the best Moreover when she wore her specs She seemed like one who loved the depths! She figured figures in a test Her math to her was like a fest...
Can you write poetry on Ultrabooks? I can!

Can you write poetry on Ultrabooks? I can!

Yes, I can actually write poems on even Ultrabooks! I realised this this week when I saw a few blog posts where the writers had posted their luscious pictures with ultrabooks in a rather unique way. I said to myself: ‘Now this is indeed a fashion statement!’ Then I saw not one, but a few...
The Rhyming PIZZA

The Rhyming PIZZA

Just mutton keema on the top With fried onion rolling in This is not the final crop For, cheese is the final sin!   And thus this lovely pizza smiles And travels hot for miles and miles Until a knock is on your door You open, eat, and say: ‘Encore!’ Arvind Passey 29 June 2012...
Smiles, poetry and a little intrigue

Smiles, poetry and a little intrigue

I sit with my body taut And fingers fidgeting mindlessly The mind though is working Trying to find out If it still wants to search For the right word This happens every time I sit down to write a poem. And I forgot to say that the eyes too Slowly scan up and down Without...
The matchmaker matters

The matchmaker matters

Words are just words And it doesn’t matter if they’re on paper Or in the mind or just travelling Disguised as a voice! Words come alive when They get to be with the word Of their choice Someone they want to spend their lives with   And this is what makes Them a poem that...
Why travel?

Why travel?

Just pack your bags and leave your home Why sit at home when you can roam? See all new ways, walk on new ways Say ‘aye’, say ‘yes’, and shun all nays To far off places is all fun In snow, in rain, and even sun! What matters is that you must go And then,...
Do not give me spots, dear sun

Do not give me spots, dear sun

On the beach I need to go And walk around in the sun In the evening I must glow And, as ever, be the one Who wins and not the one who won So, do not give me spots, dear sun! See who dangles on my arms See who kisses all my words See who...
The magic spell!

The magic spell!

I stood before a shop that sold Cute bottles with some magic spell It’s good. This one. I like. Let’s buy! Was all I heard, until was told: Hold this, don’t break and spill the spell! ‘Fragrance!’ My wife had spied my ‘why’!   ‘Fragrance!’ I said, and then mumbled, ‘Is there in our home...
Bold Body Limericks

Bold Body Limericks

Yes, Bold Body Limericks… and it isn’t bold bawdy limericks. Though some of them may strut around like the road-side romeos do outside any girls college! Just a few of them here in this post… enjoy.   (1) I have two and you have two Both can be fictional and also true No, not silicon...