You make me nervous, dear

You make me nervous, dear

‘No, don’t… please don’t look this side now… I really need to get over my awe of you and get some exercise,’ whispered my gorgeous girl-friend, ‘But you… you make me nervous, dear.’ ‘Me?’ I rolled my eyes and swiped my tongue in ecstasy, as all lizards are fond of doing. ‘Not you, you useless...
Ideas live, creators die

Ideas live, creators die

An idea is born but instead of metamorphosing into words and emerging as a story, it chooses to run inside the body until it finds an outlet. The idea comes out as a tear-drop that spreads and covers the body in a vicious grip until the creator dies. The idea lives for ever.    ...
From Medusa to Medulla

From Medusa to Medulla

Time flew. The snakes on Medusa’s hair got tired of unable to moult and shrivelled in their multiple and unused moults and died. Medusa herself was not in great health and tottered to the Gorgon sisters and whispered, ‘I’ll soon be gone. Be gone forever my friends. You know my story and you also know...
AAP ko GAS toh nahin?

AAP ko GAS toh nahin?

‘The new CM in Delhi is making us all stand up and think upright,’ I said, when our discussion on the social fabric veered to the formation of the new government in Delhi. This always happens when Specky and I discuss things… we start with one topic and end up discussing something quite different. Specky...
Wild at Heart and Weird on Top

Wild at Heart and Weird on Top

Yeah, so I agree with David Lynch when he said that ‘the whole world is wild at heart and weird on top’ because the words fit off-beat films like evil intent does to the wily wolf in that fairy tale with a red riding hood. Off-beat films are about the real facts that we are...
Are the best really the best?

Are the best really the best?

For his SSB Thematic Apperception Test Bhairon Singh had to write a few lines on a picture showing a young man coming out of an employment exchange in what could be interpreted as either thoughtfulness or an agitated state of mind. Most wrote about the dreadful state of unemployment in the country and how the...
Love and a bridge called literacy

Love and a bridge called literacy

He was silent but his eyes spoke well – And more than any verbose spell! She let the couplet she had written on him reverberate in her mind until her entire being was swept by a massive orgasmic tsunami of emotions. He had not spoken a word and yet had professed his love for her....
I never talk to God

I never talk to God

Why must I look up and talk to him Or just look down when talking to him? I like to look straight and into eyes Differentiate between truth and lies And so I never talk to God Why must I imagine someone there When it is my friends who give me care And those around...
Size matters!

Size matters!

In both politics and pornography, size matters. We have just seen a pulsating example of this titillating fact when Delhi was saved from going to the polls again. But if you think size in politics is simply getting the right numbers, you’re really entering the house of real fiction. Yes, numbers and the mathematics of...
The tricky twins!

The tricky twins!

Ram and Shyam were twins. They were both fond of playing tricks on their friends and teachers. Ram had a preference for a stubble and Shyam shaved daily. But there were days when they reversed this… and when this happened, the world was in a tizzy! So obviously, their favourite one was pretending to be...
Poets write, stubbles don’t

Poets write, stubbles don’t

They were meeting after a gap of a fortnight. He sported a stubble that day. She stopped about two feet from him, looked straight into his eyes and said, ‘Your clean shaven looked bowled me over. And then bit by bit I began loving you. But this look…’ She paused. Her pause was long enough...
There is a child in me

There is a child in me

There is a child in me. Yes, this is true… even literally, because after all it is the sperm and an ova that finally come together to create a new life. This is what I told Specky when I asked her what she thought she would want to gift a child. ‘A child?’ she asked,...