Posts tagged "blogging challenge"
Yes, that’s possible

Yes, that’s possible

Imagination is unpredictable. It is a heady feeling, a dizzying moment, a triumph, an unbearable loss, a caress, a glance, and sometimes an overdose of carbon monoxide in a closed room. ‘Pretty skilled,’ you might say. Yes, it is. It is Asterix, Tintin, Phantom, Mandrake, Chahcha Chaudhary, Superman, Frankenstein, Dracula, and Archie rushing towards you...
Conversations with the loveliest kid on earth

Conversations with the loveliest kid on earth

Conversations worth remembering are not always with nutty professors and snooty CEOs of companies or with shifty politicians and creepy administrators. I’ve had conversations with cities and loved it so much that I started having conversations with every unlikely subject. This included pillows, torn bills in the bin, and paragraphs on moth-eaten pages of a...
Fitness is all about seeking the right balance

Fitness is all about seeking the right balance

‘Life is one big gym…’ I began, but before I could go any further, Specky, my wife nodded her head in disagreement. She said, ‘Oh! Come on. Life can also be Talkatora Garden, right? People can go there and walk without having to pay anything. Why must life be a gym? Why must it be...