Posts tagged "fitness"
Fitness is all about seeking the right balance

Fitness is all about seeking the right balance

‘Life is one big gym…’ I began, but before I could go any further, Specky, my wife nodded her head in disagreement. She said, ‘Oh! Come on. Life can also be Talkatora Garden, right? People can go there and walk without having to pay anything. Why must life be a gym? Why must it be...
Getting fit is almost like writing a short-story

Getting fit is almost like writing a short-story

There is one story that invariably comes to me mind whenever I see my friends tying themselves into complex knots when pursuing fitness. These friends go around with long lists of what to eat and what not to eat, time schedules that appear to my mind as roaring dictators, actionable plans that leave no space...
Technology and fitness in rhyming tweets

Technology and fitness in rhyming tweets

Technology and fitness in rhyming tweets From calories burnt to pulse & heart-beats, from plans & records to advisory sheets, we have with us now our wonderful tech beats! Technology and fitness are wrapped around each other for now…   Gadgets help, gadgets remind, they connect Gadgets push, gadgets pull, they protect! Gadgets remind us...
Fitness redefined in tweet rhymes

Fitness redefined in tweet rhymes

Come on now, walk more, talk less And life no longer will be a mess! If you can stand and do, why sit? If you walk and do, you remain fit. Exercise your body and also your mind Even on a tough day it helps you unwind! Keep the mind fit and find time to...
Being sexy@sixty is simply being S.M.A.R.T

Being sexy@sixty is simply being S.M.A.R.T

I am walking to the payment counter in a big crowded Book Store carrying ‘Sexy@Sixty’ in my hands. My wife, coming from the other direction, with a load of books, stops, glances at the title and says: ‘Sexy at Sixty?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘But you aren’t sixty yet.’ ‘I will be…’ ‘Why don’t you just begin your...
The 100 word stories & a 100 word poem

The 100 word stories & a 100 word poem

The 100 word (or less) stories Stories need to include these words: timesdeal, beauty, travel, fitness, discount, shopping   Story 01  Title: The shopper and her trainer!   ‘I’ve a great deal from time,’ he began. ‘It is Timesdeal, dear,’ she corrected. He told her he was her biggest fan But her fitness with words...
Run and jump to woo the world

Run and jump to woo the world

‘Even looking at this piece of art on the wall makes me breathless,’ she said. ‘Then you should be jogging every morning.’ ‘No, I don’t mean breathless in that sense…’ ‘The sense doesn’t matter,’ I replied cutting her mid-sentence, ‘What matters is that you are fit enough to stand the entire day looking at paintings...