Posts tagged "PT Education"

Recommendations written by me on Linkedin

Recommendations written by me for my friends, associates, business links, and co-workers on the social networking site Calm and firm, decisive yet democratic, Neelkamal seems to be just another intriguing personality in the beginning but slowly transforms into an enigma! I always found him up-to date with his defense as well as offense… and...

Essay on environment for PT: Paint your world green

CRGR is not a mere acronym, but alphabets that have the power within them to give life to life! For the uninitiated, let CRGR be ‘Clean Raipur, green Raipur’, but for those who know what an unhealthy environment can do, it will serve as the clarion call to get and get going!! Caring for the...

Press Release – CAT A LOGUE at Coimbatore

CAT A LOGUE – Grand seminar by PT Education CAT topper addresses students in Coimbatore Vital tips for MBA aspirants revealed at mega-seminar Mega seminars are vital to give students the right orientation to MBA as a viable course option. Such seminars have been a regular trend at PT – and students have appreciated this...

A prep-talk for staying motivated!

Motivation is not just a hot buzz word that is bandied around by pedagogues! To be a superstar, every student must aim to have it in him and make serious attempts to retain it. Though it is easy to utter the word ‘motivation’, it is rather difficult to understand its nuances and follow them. There...

Look Forward – Always!

For students who aim for success, the secret of the aspirants who have reached the winning post is in these words: ‘Look forward – always!’ The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one....

Let your body speak the language of success!

When I was at the Indian Military Academy in Dehradun, a few of the first words that were literally barked at me were: “Hey you! Yes, you GC (Gentleman cadet)… Chin up, shoulders back, and chest out! This is the mantra of success… and will not be repeated in mere words again!!” You’ve probably heard...

Generic Statements for Brand Ambassadors – PT

Design your own life plan if you do not want to fall into someone else’s plan. It is vital to embrace and implement simple strategies for achievement and fulfillment. One such strategy is to look for an able mentor! Every student must aim to follow his own bliss, design his own destiny and consciously direct...

Higher EQ for better success!

What is important to any student is a harmony of emotional roles and not too great a disparity in the general level of intelligence. Every small emotional wave tends to disrupt the progress that a student aspires to make in his preparation for examinations. Let us understand through this article, the importance of EQ. Every...

Learn to support your goals

In the previous article we gave you insights into the world of goals, goal-setting, and information to help you understand them. MBA aspirants must now know what the right steps will be while deciding the methodology of achieving your goals! Here are some steps to follow which will support you in achieving your goals. Identify...

Goal setting: Set your sights for success in MBA-entrance

It is not just the football players who rush towards goals. It is their focus and their unflinching sights on the goal that spells success in the sweetest possible way. The same principle applies to students and MBA-aspirants too. Goal-setting makes a lot of sense and it is vital to understand its dynamics properly. Goals...

Is MBA only for males?

When Nancy Reagan said: “A woman is like a tea bag, you can not tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water”, she was not much off the mark. If an MBA and the career options after it are tough, women are tougher! So whoever says that an MBA is not...

Press Release: ‘PT Education celebrates Press Freedom Day’

PT Education celebrates Press Freedom Day 03 May 2007 New Delhi, 03rd May, 07. PT Education, the largest all-India value-added professional training institute today observed “Press Freedom Day” at all its 60 centers across the country. On this occasion various activities were organized. The theme of all the activities was Press Freedom in India. Many...