Posts tagged "S-pen"
A few pictures, a cluster of quotes, and a post is born

A few pictures, a cluster of quotes, and a post is born

Yes, writing a post can be that easy. But did I say anything about the preparation time for this great recipe of a post? Listen, even when you cook a dish, the preparation time can be much more than the actual cooking time. It is this time spent in strategizing and collecting vital text snippets...
Another day, another innovation

Another day, another innovation

Innovations, it seems are fast becoming the norm today. You don’t innovate, you don’t exist… is becoming as real as reality can ever dare to be. So I wasn’t really surprised when only a few days back I got an email inviting me to yet another launch of yet another innovation in the world of...
‘Note this! Note now!’ said Calvin to Hobbes

‘Note this! Note now!’ said Calvin to Hobbes

Calvin is live and kicking within all of us. He isn’t just a seemingly prickly comic-book character fantasizing and creating stories of aliens or wilfully experimenting with smart and rather tricky ideas to keep himself entertained… he is also a loving soul who forever needs to keep talking and debating with Hobbes, his stuffed tiger....