Poems 2011
What do I do with my Ravan?

What do I do with my Ravan?

When I asked a philosopher ‘What do I do with my Ravan?’ – the philosopher Spoke familiar words Dripping with familiar ideas Reaching familiar ends He told me to abandon the evil Within and around He also told me to celebrate That day as the world celebrates Dushera. Then I asked a politician ‘What do...
Three Haikus

Three Haikus

Three Haikus   Leaves are words, leafless trees can also say a lot. All seasons live life. *** A few syllables wanting to dance together Why give them a name? *** moving ahead missing giant slug emerging   Arvind Passey 11 August 2011   Featured image credit: Edstrip
The road gloat!

The road gloat!

  All roads lead to Rome, they said All roads enter Delhi, the invaders guffawed No, all roads lead into a Moscow that’s red It’s London, all other cities are flawed…   They all forgot that roads are dumb and it is people who get in or get out       Arvind Passey 21...
Finding a deeper meaning inside a mall

Finding a deeper meaning inside a mall

There isn’t much we can buy, we know There isn’t much we can buy from there There isn’t much we have ever bought, we know And yet every few days we go there. We don’t understand why people buy from there Or how or where to keep them, if we do We go there and...
Can I dodge that snowflake there?

Can I dodge that snowflake there?

The flake, being just a flake, has a will That surely lies elsewhere. Is it the clouds or wind or the hill Or something else elsewhere? I wish I know, sadly said the flake Then I’d have floated far Riding on my cloud powered by the wind Yes, I’d have floated far To little kids...
Be still to create

Be still to create

Why does it happen so, that I Get thoughts that live only if I Remain sitting wherever I Sat before I get up to write? And when I change my seat I find Myself getting some other mind And no amount of wind, rewind Helps me get back what seemed so right! Wherever else I...
The cricket of social restlessness

The cricket of social restlessness

[This poem is dedicated to the India vs South Africa match in the Cricket World Cup 2011 in Nagpur on 12 March] The first ball of the last over Caught the inner edge of the bat Went swiftly past the stumps Tripped the wicket-keeper And crossed the boundary line… And I knew that Tonight would...
Where fear roams free!

Where fear roams free!

[News: Tsunami devastates Japan. TOKYO – A ferocious tsunami spawned by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded slammed Japan’s eastern coast on Friday, killing hundreds of people as it swept away boats, cars and homes while widespread fires burned out of control. Hours later, the tsunami hit Hawaii and warnings blanketed the Pacific, as...
Stop revolving. Create a revolution!

Stop revolving. Create a revolution!

[News – Radhika murder: Passers-by and DU students watched like spectators] Me and my wife on a walk By the river Ouse in York Saw a man with large sad eyes And a neck that touched the skies – Ambling with a lot of pride Was a dachshund by his side. So similar, so strikingly...
Surfing the net for a muse

Surfing the net for a muse

I look around These ravaged times Discovering struggling bits and bytes Pick them up to make them chime And wonder at their flights! I am a healer Of words that lie disparaged In heaps on highways where no one treads And suture them to build a maze Or simply sculpt the lonesome shreds! I click...
The dictator

The dictator

He moved ahead leaving a trail Of incomplete poetry And then jumped on to other paths Where he was able to leave Incomplete Articles, sketches, thoughts, And lots and lots Of priceless creative clutter. He left behind Words that could have been friends Or leaders or lovers They could’ve given the world His world A...


This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton Season 2 edition 18; the eighteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. ======================================= What I say I can say to different people at...