Posts tagged "passion"
The paradox of being a common man

The paradox of being a common man

The month of May this year has been over-flowing with bold strokes and brilliant strikes. Yes, one can think of everything from cricket to politics and from nabbing terrorists to tickling the media at the right time. We have all realized that even ten seconds in front of a button can spell anything from prosperity...
The mimicry of passion

The mimicry of passion

If one were to believe the updates on the social media, the speeches of politicians, and the jokes of stand-up comedians, the world today is one massive tidal wave of passion. Passion has suddenly transformed into some sort of a uniform that everyone is racing to beg, borrow, steal, or buy because wearing it makes...
Both passion and resolution must be sizeable

Both passion and resolution must be sizeable

Being fit has been a passion for years… but these past few years have made my body weight do a high jump and so I’m now a formidable 85kg. ‘Come on, lots of people are 85 and they aren’t fat!’ is what you might tell me. But listen, they weren’t 57 kg just six years...

Frolic fever

Frolic fever come, we shall explore passion forever drenched in the moist remembered perfume of embrace-soaked mornings Poem by Arvind Passey 23 August 2010
Passion, dreams and hot careers in the financial world!

Passion, dreams and hot careers in the financial world!

Passion and dreams are the stuff that life is made up of. They form the building-blocks of attitude or the way you look at the world. They also edit how you view your environment and your future. Your passion and dreams to make it big in the financial world are the focus we at BIFM...

Passion brings out the best in us

Passion is the fact that brings out the best in us. Aristotle wrote: ‘All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion and desire.’ Passion is not very difficult to define. It is clearly about two words “I can”. If reaching the top is the aim, then...

The Power of Dreams

Years ago, two normal guys got together in their garage and came up with an idea. They wanted to build the world’s first personal computer. All the “experts” told them that they couldn’t do it – and IBM was the “only game in town” – but they listened to their hearts and they launched –...