Blobs on my Blog 010 – The dream snatchers

Blobs on my Blog 010 – The dream snatchers

  ‘I want to make your dreams mine,’ sounds so like the witch in a fairy tale saying, ‘Gimme more! Gimme more!’ or some fearsome Count from a Scandinavian country doing some glib selling with punch lines like, ‘Let our blood flow as one!’ Obviously, for the Count thriving on sucking blood, the sentence is...
The Manmohan Principle of colours

The Manmohan Principle of colours

  ‘Colours are powerful,’ Specky said, ‘they transcend their boundaries and easily get accepted in new worlds.’ I said, ‘That’s a bit cryptic for me. Do you mean colours spread as water colour does and take the green of grass on to the brick red of bricks?’ ‘They can do that. But all that I’m...
Blobs on my Blog 009 – An enigma called Modi

Blobs on my Blog 009 – An enigma called Modi

  Mr Blob, as was his usual self, was quite upbeat about Modi. He called him a modernistic messiah and someone who wasn’t shy of technology and wasn’t averse to opening up India to the rest of the world. Ms Blob, however, wasn’t as upbeat as him. She was convinced that Modi was autocratic and...
Blobs on my Blog 008 – The insanity of vanity

Blobs on my Blog 008 – The insanity of vanity

  The newspaper went on and on about ‘Vanity’ structures and how architects were obsessed with designing taller skyscrapers where almost a third of the top floors remained uninhabitable! ‘This is so unkind to resources,’ said Ms Blob. But then that very day she bought for herself a pair of ‘platforms’… a form of footwear...
Blobs on my Blog 007 – Always connected

Blobs on my Blog 007 – Always connected

  Being connected isn’t so difficult now. The Blobs agree. ‘Go back to 1994, and you were sending me FAXes everyday when I was in the U of Y,’ reminded Ms Blob. Mr Blob nodded in agreement and remembered why the local phone-booth wala was happy with him. ‘He saw in me a guy who...
Cattle Class

Cattle Class

  Quite obviously I don’t fly Business Class or First Class… but that is precisely why I enjoy flying. And it isn’t just the marvellous and mesmerising take-offs that stay in a traveller’s memory but an entire plane-load of cattle-class passengers join hands to make you smile and say to yourself: ‘I love to fly...
Blobs on my Blog 006 – Let’s stop waiting for a change

Blobs on my Blog 006 – Let’s stop waiting for a change

  ‘Change happens only when we want it to happen,’ said Mister Blob as he stood in front of his easel, drawing the PM. Ms Blob just said, ‘I can see that. You are bent upon creating a PM louder than he usually is.’ She then went on, ‘But if changing a pugri can change...
Blobs on my Blog 005 – To have or not to have a blast

Blobs on my Blog 005 – To have or not to have a blast

  ‘Blast is a strange word,’ said Mrs Blob, ‘it takes you on a real roller-coaster ride through a boxful of fun, a cache of expletives, and a world of explosions.’ So the expression ‘to have or not to have a blast’ comes loaded with meaning! The Blobs then went on to explore some more...
Blobs on my Blog 004 - Sense & Sensex

Blobs on my Blog 004 – Sense & Sensex

  Where the sensex behaves like an imbecile And rapists plead to be juveniles Where honesty stays inside a file And the life of a scamster flies If this is what India is all about I’d want to get out and stay out! Mr Blob was in a really wile state of mind as he...
Teenagers, Smartphones, & a Conversation

Teenagers, Smartphones, & a Conversation

Do I need to read books by psychoanalysts to know what a teenager thinks like? No, not at all, because all I need to do to get into a teenage mind is to just stand on a kerbside in the market and listen to the conversations they have. I stumbled upon this wonderfully invasive idea...
Blobs on my Blog 003 – Agents of change

Blobs on my Blog 003 – Agents of change

  The Blobs got up one morning and read in the newspaper that the exchange rate for the rupee had climbed up yet again. The He-Blob said, ‘I remember the time when a dollar was equal to eight rupees. Look at the change!’ ‘Change?’ said the She-Blob, ‘has become intrinsic to India. By the way,...
Blobs on my Blog 002 – Messing with missing

Blobs on my Blog 002 – Messing with missing

  Mr Blob loves reading his newspaper. He waits for the chatttthudzzz sound of his bundle of newspapers as they are thrown on his inside balcony. Today was no different and he rushed to open the front door and pick up his newspapers. He came in and started reading. He then got up from his...